vConfidence Certified Doctors in Long Island, NY offer a revolutionary dyspareunia treatment that helps your body rebuild tissues rejuvenating the vagina and relieving vaginal dryness and painful intercourse caused by dyspareunia.

Dyspareunia in Long Island, NY

Dyspareunia is pain during intercourse that can be caused by medical or psychological reasons. Women, especially those who have gone through menopause, often experience vaginal dryness which can be one of the causes of painful intercourse. This can lead to the loss of desire to be sexually active, can cause hesitancy to engage in intercourse and can lead to pain after intercourse. Some women report feeling like there is a rough rubbing, similar to sandpaper, in their vagina after intercourse due to vaginal dryness.

Symptoms of Dyspareunia in Long Island, NY

Women can experience dyspareunia in many different ways. Some feel pain at the opening of the vagina with penetration while others feel pain deeper in their vagina. Some women feel pain after intercourse, injuries, infections, or cyclically with menstruation.

The pain associated with dyspareunia is not only unpleasant in itself, but it impacts your relationships due to a decrease in interest in intercourse. Fear, avoidance, and psychological distress connected to attempting intercourse are some of the negative side effects experienced from dyspareunia.

Dyspareunia Treatment

The tissues and glands in the vagina atrophy as we age, which can cause a decreased amount of natural lubrication and ultimately lead to dyspareunia. In the past, doctors have prescribed estrogen treatments but recently a new method of treatment has started to gain popularity because of how easy and effective it is. This method does not require surgery, downtime or large doses of hormones.

vConfidence has a state of the art treatment that alleviates dyspareunia due to vaginal dryness by restoring the tissues and glands that produce lubrication. The treatment activates the cells allowing them to naturally restore the vaginal tissue and glands. The treatment is non-invasive and helps the vagina produce new collagen. This treatment leads to the vaginal lining growing back thicker and more youthful.  This treatment can be completed in 15 minutes and will get you back to being able enjoy your intimate relationships in no time.

Dyspareunia caused by vaginal dryness not only affects your life, but your relationships as well. vConfidence Certified Doctors are here to help. With their in and out treatment they will get you back to enjoying intercourse in no time. Contact a vConfidence Certified Doctor today for a consultation conversation. With a network of doctors serving Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Hempstead, and Huntington, NY, a cure is right around the corner.

Sharon Giese, MD, is a world-renowned plastic surgeon who understand women’s body and what they want. Her talent and pioneering development in the aesthetics industry have helped her develop less invasive methods to produce natural looking results.

Dr. Wayne Wertheim, left his primary care practice in March 2005 in order to devote his full-time efforts to serving as medical director of Island Medical Laser in Roslyn Heights. He is known for treating all of his patients with care and compassion.

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